How Co-op 2.0 works.

Starting this Fall, Co-op 2.0 becomes the all-in-one gathering for Common Good Church combining our three primary gathering modes (Co-ops, Sunday Gatherings and Fourth Sunday Serve) into a single weekly experience.

What does this look like practically?


All co-ops will move from a mid-week time slot to meeting regularly on Sundays for their primary gathering. Co-ops now double as the new regular “Sunday Gathering.”


Co-ops will gather primarily based on geography/neighborhoods, while still accounting for the reality that often our personal networks expand beyond geography.


Co-ops are smaller groups of 6-12 people to cultivate greater intimacy and to ensure that when it is physically possible to gather in-person, groups can more readily meet health and safety guidelines. Groups larger than 12 people should consider multiplying into smaller groups.

Virtual / In-Person.

Co-ops will meet virtually to begin (and/or socially distanced outside if desired), but when it becomes safe and appropriate, will transition to meeting in-person at homes, coffee shops, etc. As co-ops transition to in-person, co-ops will continue to leverage technology to allow those not yet comfortable for in-person meetings to continue to participate in the group.


Content for Co-op gatherings will be provided via our virtual Sunday Church at Home worship experience, which will include elements such as musical worship, a sermon, communion, and a post-sermon discussion questions.

Mid-week Meetups.

For those desiring additional community touch points and bible study throughout the week, accountability groups and mid-week bible studies can leverage our intimate 2-3 person Meetups.

Love Your Neighbor.

Co-ops will engage in Fourth Sunday Serve (now called Love Your Neighbor Sundays) on a monthly basis as a community.