Make the switch.

Introducing our brand new giving platform, Subsplash.

Why are we making the switch?

  • One platform.

    Now our website, app and giving platform are all within Subsplash. This makes cost, content updates and user interaction more streamlined.

  • Save money.

    Subsplash’s innovative Grow Curve offers the industry’s lowest processing rates, so that more of your giving goes directly towards fueling our ministry and mission.

  • Fast & secure.

    Not only is Subsplash certified for the highest encryption and security, but the process of giving online can also take less than one minute.


While our new website and app will not be going live until later this month, our new online giving platform is live.

For those who are online recurring givers on our current Pushpay giving platform, we’re truly grateful for your generosity that allows us to budget and vision responsibly. That being said, our contract with Pushpay ends on August 31, 2022.

As such, if you would like to continue with your automated online giving, you will need to cancel your recurring giving with Pushpay, and then setup recurring giving on our new Subsplash platform.

Let’s get started on switching you over!

Our desire is to make this switch simple and efficient for you. Below, are steps to help you migrate to the Subsplash giving platform from the Pushpay platform.

STEP ONE: Let’s get you signed up on Subsplash!

You can setup your account by clicking the button below. We also have a short clip available that walks you through the steps.

STEP TWO: Let’s cancel your recurring gift through PushPay.

  1. Sign in to Pushpay. Login here.

  2. Click your church name in the Recurring gifts section.

3. Click the cancel button in the top right corner.

4. Click Giving Statements and download your Annual Giving Statements for your record keeping and tax reporting.

That’s it! You’re all set. Thank you for your continued generosity towards Common Good Church. 

If you still need help switching to Subsplash Giving, or just have questions about the new giving platform, we would love to help. You can email us at